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Battle Of The Bands: Voting!


Battle Of The Bands: Voting!

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Who should win the Battle Of The Bands and play at this year’s Harley-Davidson® European Bike Week at Faaker See, Austria? You decide!

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What a battle! Over 100 bands entered the competition to play at this year’s Harley-Davidson® European Bike Week at Faaker See, Austria, this September 5-10th. It will be a huge event and the headliners include Black Stone Cherry, Danko Jones and The Picture Books. Our three Battle Of The Bands finalists have been selected – now it’s up to you to vote for your favourite!

Find out more about our finalists: The Variety Show, Reverend Backflash and Lightscape.

Voting: Just check the box next to the name of the band you would like to vote for and click ‚Fertig’ to send your vote! Voting ends on Friday, August 18th at 12 p.m. noon (CET). The winner will be announced on Monday, August 21st.

You should see the survey below, if not please use this link -> Voting

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